Sunday, December 13, 2009

WBL first ride.

Yesterday 100+ brave soles showed up to do the first Winter Bike League ride of the season. It was postponed from the week before and people were itching to go. This ride was gonna happen rain or shine. When we got to Sunshine Bicycles in downtown it was 44 degrees. Started out the ride chatting with Jered "strongman" Gruber. We rolled out of town pretty fast. The group actually stayed together what a miracle. Maybe the ride would be a good ride. Pretty smooth first 2 hours. We dropped some folks coming up a long grade to the rest stop. We pulled up to the small cinder block building in the middle of I don't know where. The gas pumps were something out of the 1960's no pay at the pump surprised it was not manual crank. The Indian guy behind the counter did not know what hit him when 100 cyclist pulled up and filled the 20x20 square cinder block building. People pissing everywhere on the guys grass. I think it was his wife that came out and yelled at some people. No bathrooms and no water tap. I got cold just sitting there waiting for the ride to start again. After that point I really though about cutting it short. The temperature dropped by 5 degrees at that point it was now 39 degrees. Once we got started all I was thinking about was getting back and hopefully we were not coming back in on Hargrove Lake Rd. and those big rollers. When we reached the sprint point at about 65 miles I was thinking why are they having a CAT 4,5 only downhill sprint to a bridge. I would not be sprinting today somebody always crashes on this type of shit. Thank god we came back in the easy way not many hills. But the pace got picked up by Nasty Nick Housley because the rain started to fall. We rolled in through Winterville town center with the pace steady. People were done at this point. I looked around and the group was maybe about 40 people now. Made the selection I was happy. Got back to the shop and just sat down on the couch for a few minutes. I checked and it was now 38 degrees. The bullet rolled in a few minutes later he got popped in Winterville when they picked up the pace. Good ride man. We will see what next week holds.

1 comment:

  1. Exploding into a million pieces of hammered poop in Winterville will teach me not to take long pulls and go for sprints this early in the training season.

    It was still fun.

    Monroe next weekend. Note to self sit in and enjoy the distance.
